Sunday, August 29, 2010

Coffee Lover’s 60th Birthday Cake

Here is a great example of thinking laterally for novelty birthday cakes. It shows that the best ideas can often come from knowing what the birthday girl or boy (or man or woman) really likes.  So take some time to do your homework on the guest of honour to come up with some great ideas for your cake.

via Pink Cake Box Wedding Cakes & more by Anne on 29/08/10

60th Birthday Coffee Cup Cake

We have a very special birthday cake here. It’s for my father-in-law’s 60th birthday. It features “Papa Jesse” sitting on a coffee cup. He loves Dunkin’ Donuts and we put all of the things he likes to do flowing out of the coffee cup including golf clubs, a tennis racket, a history book and chocolate chip cookies.

Heapin Donuts Coffee Cup Cake

On top of the cake it says Heapin’ Donuts. Happy Birthday Pappa Jesse!

Here’s a video of the cake I shot at the shop:


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jungle Theme

Here's another theme idea for novelty birthday cakes.  The story is all about a wedding, but it's the cake I like.  Check it out here...

You could have a lot of fun with this and add to the jungle print with animals, trees etc.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Even the Pro's make mistakes!

It is always heartening to know that as we pursue our own little piece of excellence at home making our humble novelty birthday cakes, that even the best in the world can have a colossal stuff-up.

Here's a quick clip to put a smile on your face and give some heart.  


Remember - their cakes may look brilliant but this is all relative my dear friends.  In fact, the scale of their mistakes are probably larger.  At least we can always duck down the shops and get a back up!  


Thursday, August 19, 2010

No Kitchen Required

Who said you need a kitchen to make the perfect cake?  These days all you need is an iPhone or iPod and you can have just as much fun making a great creation.  It's a lot less messy too!

Check this out...Cake Maker App

Have fun, you never know what ideas you may pick up to use in your 'real kitchen'.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dalek Novelty Birthday Cake

For Dr Who fans, here's a novelty birthday cake idea...

Using Styrofoam balls, as they did in this cake, is a great idea for several reasons - it gives a uniform look and reduces the weight of the cake.
So don't be afraid to incorporate other materials into your cake creations.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Brisbane Ekka's Novelty Cakes

Last week I visited our local Ekka, which is where the country and city come together in a carnival like setting for 10 days every year.  There are heaps of great things on display - animals of every description, fruits, vegetables, crafts, art and of course cookery.  The cookery section has lots of jams, preserves, scones, cakes and sweets but the favourite section is no doubt the decorated cakes as evidenced by the number of people taking their time to have a good look.

Not only were there lots of beautiful wedding cakes, there were plenty of ideas for novelty birthday cakes as well.  Here's a few of my favourites.
There are some great ideas here.  Hope you like them.