Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Movie Themed Cakes

A great theme for a party is a Movie theme and when it comes to novelty birthday cakes for this theme, popcorn is the obvious answer.

Check out a great Movie Themed Popcorn cake here.

You could also create Popcorn Cupcakes like these...

Photo by Kids Birthday Parties


...or these...

Photo by Sugar Daze 

Some great ideas for any movie themed celebration.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cake Frosting and Icing

When decorating novelty birthday cakes, you need to make a decision on what type of icing or frosting to use.  There are many different options and these two articles will help you decide which will be the most suitable.



Happy frosting!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Sweets: Farmed Out

Here are some great farm themed novelty birthday cakes.

via Cake Wrecks by noreply@blogger.com (The CW Team) on 17/10/10

[singing] Old McDonald had a farm...

Submitted by Alison L., made by Blue Cupcake


And on this farm he had some animals:

Submitted Stacey L., made by her friend Beth

This shows that your cake doesn't have to be big, sculpted, or multi-tiered to be awesome. Love it!


With a "baa baa" here:

By the always-amazing Bakerella

They're cake balls. Unbelievably cute, fluffy cake balls.

And a "cluck cluck" there:

Sub'd by Nancy D., made by Carolyn Mustopa

It's a wedding cake! How very City Slickers.

Here a "neigh:"

Made by Wrecks reader Joanne P.

There an "apple:"

Made by Heidi Miller

It was inspired by the song "Big Yellow Taxi." Gorgeous!

Everywhere a "barrel of ducks wearing cowboy hats with a bar of soap:"

Sub'd by Brenda, made by Cakes Unleashed

Before you ask, the "water" is pulled sugar covered with piping gel. Genius.

Old McDonald...

Made by Chocolate Pi

Oops... sorry. Sometimes I get my McDonalds mixed up.

Well, finally, here's a bonus Sweet for all you Farmville addicts enthusiasts:

By Flores & Aromas

I'm digging those carrots.

Get it? "Digging?"

Sorry; my sense of humor is firmly rooted in puns

Get it? "Rooted?"

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Birthday Cake Pan -Which One?

After deciding a theme for any novelty birthday cake, the next step is selecting the right birthday cake pan.  

Photo by Bill HR


Here are some great tips on how to go about this and make your creation fantastic...


Have fun!

Monday, October 11, 2010

VW Beetle Cake

Cars are always popular for novelty birthday cakes and this video gives a great guide on carving and icing a VW Beetle Cake. Check it out.


Pretty neat huh? Using the techniques in this video you could adapt the carving and colouring to whatever style of car you want.

Have fun.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Princess Birthday Cakes

For little girls, their dream is often to be a princess and princess birthday parties are always popular.  With any princess party of course their needs to be a princess birthday cake.  There are four types of novelty birthday cakes that can be easily created to fit the princess theme:

  1. Princess Doll Cake
  2. Princess Castle Cake
  3. Disney Princess Cake
  4. Your Princess Cake

Check out some great examples for each of these here.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Some cakes for the men - Instant Manliness®!!!

Well, I'm not sure how manly they are with flowers. You decide.

via Cake Wrecks by comments@cakewrecks.com (Jen) on 5/10/10

Are you tired of girly cakes? Does the sight of icing flowers disgust you? Are you afraid all of your birthday cakes are doomed to look like this?

WAH wah waaaah...

"If only my cake was more manly..."

Well, worry no more, sad Keanu! Introducing the new "Instant Manliness Cake Decoration Kit®!!!"

With the "Instant Manliness Cake Decoration Kit®," any cake can be a MAN'S cake!

Just look at the difference!


Now that's manly!

Also try our "Instant Manliness Father's Day Cake Decoration Kit®!"

Can you feel that?!?

That's chest hair. And it's growing. Booya!

Thanks to Bradley G., aka the "Manly Brad-inator." [Crushing beer can against head and burping] Wreck on, dude.

Monday, October 4, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond

The Toy Story movies are children's classics and the release of the last installment earlier this year has created a new round of Toy Story frenzy.

Of course, novelty birthday cakes are not exempt from this and there has no doubt been a resurgence in the requests for Toy Story Cakes.  My son has requested a Buzz Lightyear cake for his upcoming birthday and I've started to do a little research.  Here are some of the ideas I came across...


Here's a great 'scene' cake...

Photo by simplebitsdan, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivs license.


Buzz on top...

Photo By kirstin_a, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs license.


And the ultimate Buzz Lightyear cake...

Photo by donbuciak, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivs license.


Some great ideas here.  Any others I should know about?