Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lightning McQueen Birthday Cake

I created a Lightning McQueen Birthday Cake for my little boys 4th birthday.  It was a huge effort and the biggest challenge of all the homemade novelty birthday cakes I've done.  This was the final result...

You can read all about this cakes was created, step by step by clicking the link below...

Hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoyed making (and eating) it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lego Birthday Cakes

Lego is one of those timeless toys that all kids enjoy.  So why not use it as an inspiration for novelty birthday cakes.  Here's a few ideas to get you started.

  • Use upturned tea light holders to give perfect round lego knobs - see it here
  • You could build large individual lego blocks like this...


Lego Cake

Photo by Squiggle, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike license.

  • Or simply recreate a 'Lego Scene' using real lego pieces like this brilliant cake...


Lego Birthday Cake

Photo by NutMeg Confections, available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

So what great lego designs can you think of?  Hope this gets your ideas flowing.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to Make a Football Cake

This video shows how you can use cupcakes to make novelty birthday cakes in quite a different way.  The cupcakes are iced as a group, rather than individually...great idea.


This idea could be applied to a whole range of themes and patterns.  Have fun trying this idea.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Using store bought 'decorations'

Click on the link below to see a great example of using store bought bits and pieces for novelty birthday cakes


Lollies and candy are also a cake decorators best friend.  Read more about that here...


So don't think of buying 'decorations' and props as cheating when making novelty cakes, they are a great way to actually make it better, more individual and unique.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time Lapse: Making a Treasure Chest Cake

I love the way the cake gets 'painted' - creates a great effect. Another idea for your novelty birthday cakes.

via Cake Decorating Ideas by on 7/09/10

So, my birthday was last week, a couple of my friends are graduating college and I will too a couple month after them, my ‘brother’ published his first book, I had a good semester, we had a great season at work (selling out over 85% of our shows), and I am just loving life so I decided to have not just a party, but a PIRATE PARTY to celebrate!!!! What’s a pirate party without a chest full of booty?! I decided to make one and it turned out AMAZING. Its has vanilla on the bottom and chocolate on the top, coated with organic homemade buttercream icing, homemake fondant, and organic sugar sand at the bottom. The cake was made with about 70% organic ingredients. It took me three days to complete and about 20 hours of hard work. I am very proud. Btw, this was only my 3rd cake I have ever made in my life! I am the master!!!!

Similar Posts from the Internet:

This post via Cake Decorating Ideas, where you can view pictures of cakes that are beautifully decorated.

Time Lapse: Making a Treasure Chest Cake

Monday, September 6, 2010

Not All Cakes Are 'Baked'

Watching the below video immediately made me think how not all novelty birthday cakes need to be baked.


Of course...novelty birthday cakes can be made from ice cream as well.  It would be more about 'moulding' than baking - maybe not as daunting for some people.  Also no need to fiddle around with icing.

Maybe you could try using ice cream for your next novelty birthday cake.  Or have you already tried this?  Please let us know.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Creepy Realistic-Looking Yoda Cake

Continuing on the Star Wars theme, check out this fantastic Yoda cake. Definitely a shame to eat this one.

POTD: Creepy Realistic-Looking Yoda Cake
/FILM (blog)
I'm currently taking the beginner cake decorating classes and hoping to land a job at a bakery. I decided to try making my first sculpted cake and chose ...

and more »

Star Wars Death Star Birthday Cake

A very cool cake any Star Wars lover would be delighted with.

Geeky gadgets

Star Wars Death Star Birthday Cake
Geeky gadgets
This fun Star Wars Death Star Birthday Cake was created by Lisa Smiley for her sons birthday, and as you can see from the photo, this is one of the coolest ...